2Fix Corpfor Buildings

Straight ahead and on the track now. We're gonna make our dreams come true. black gold Doin' it our way.

We Build Trust

Experience and teamwork are at the core of the company’s longtime success

Hallmark of Quality

A team of highly skilled architects, interior designers, builders, and craftsmen combine their expertise to offer a wide array of architectural styles and floor plans to match any individual’s lifestyle and price range.


Our purpose is to ensure a great experience for clients from beginning to end.
With the grace of God, we will employ the highest ethical and professional standards in our business and be guided by the principle of treating our clients, employees and community in the same manner we wish to be treated.

1. Construction

2. Masonry

3. Painting

4. Patios, Decks & Enclosures


Certified Contractors




Happy Customers

2Fix Corp has a strong history of customer service and integrity and is here to serve you. We are a locally owned and operated family business and continue to strengthen local communities in Florida State. We pride ourselves on over 25 years of an impeccable reputation for quality, safety, scheduling, pricing, and service.

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